EMHS 2021–22 performance summary

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and KPI targets assist EMHS to assess and monitor achievement of the outcomes outlined in the Outcome Based Management (OBM) framework (see Links to government goals and outcomes). 

Effectiveness indicators provide information on the extent to which outcomes were achieved through the funding and delivery of services to the community. 

Efficiency indicators monitor the relationship between the service delivered and the resources used to produce the service (i.e. activity and cost). 

Click the drop-down arrow to see KPI results

Desired result

Undesired result

Outcome one: Public hospital based services that enable effective treatment and restorative healthcare for Western Australians

Effectiveness KPIs Target Actual
Unplanned hospital readmissions for patients within 28 days for selected surgical procedures (per 1000 separations)
(a) knee replacement ≤ 23.0 15.4
(b) hip replacement ≤ 17.1 20.4
(c) tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy ≤ 81.8 138.7
(d) hysterectomy ≤ 42.3 73.2
(e) prostatectomy ≤ 36.1 49.3
(f) cataract surgery ≤ 1.1 2.4
(g) appendicectomy ≤ 25.7 30.1
Percentage of elective wait list patients waiting over boundary for reportable procedures
(a) category 1 over 30 days 0% 6.5%
(b) category 2 over 90 days 0% 28.3%
(c) category 3 over 365 days 0% 9.3%
Healthcare-associated staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections (HA-SABSI) per 10,000 occupied bed-days ≤ 1.00 1.09
Survival rates for sentinel conditions
0-49 years ≥ 95.2% 96.3%
50-59 years ≥ 94.9% 96.2%
60-69 years ≥ 94.1% 95.9%
70-79 years ≥ 92.3% 95.1%
80+ years ≥ 86.0% 94.4%
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
0-49 years ≥ 99.1% 97.7%
50-59 years ≥ 98.8% 100%
60-69 years ≥ 98.1% 98.9%
70-79 years ≥ 96.8% 97.0%
80+ years ≥ 92.1% 94.6%
Fractured neck of femur (FNoF)
70-79 years ≥ 98.9% 97.6%
80+ years ≥ 96.9% 98.3%
Percentage of admitted patients who discharged against medical advice
a) Aboriginal patients ≤ 2.78% 5.87%
b) Non-Aboriginal patients ≤ 0.99% 1.16%
Percentage of live-born term infants with an Apgar score of less than seven at five minutes post delivery ≤ 1.80% 1.37%
Readmissions to acute specialised mental health inpatient services within 28 days of discharge ≤ 12.0% 14.9%
Percentage of post discharge community care within seven days following discharge from acute specialised mental health inpatient services ≥ 75.0% 87.8%
Efficiency KPIs Target Actual
Average admitted cost per weighted activity unit $6907 $7197
Average Emergency Department cost per weighted activity unit $6847 $7353
Average non-admitted cost per weighted activity unit $6864 $6093
Average cost per bed-day in specialised mental health inpatient services $1533 $1783
Average cost per treatment day of non-admitted care provided by mental health services $445 $400

Outcome two: Prevention, health promotion and aged and continuing care services that help Western Australians to live healthy and safe lives

Efficiency KPIs Target Actual
Average cost per person of delivering population health programs by population health units $32 $113