Average cost per bed-day in specialised mental health inpatient services


Specialised mental health inpatient services provide patient care in authorised hospitals. To ensure quality of care and cost-effectiveness, it is important to monitor the unit cost of admitted patient care in specialised mental health inpatient services. The efficient use of hospital resources can help minimise the overall costs of providing mental health care and enable the reallocation of funds to appropriate alternative non-admitted care.  


The 2021-22 target for average cost per bed-day in specialised mental health inpatient services is $1533. Improved or maintained performance is demonstrated by a result below or equal to target. 


Year Target Actual
Year 2021-22 Target $1533 Actual $1783 Chart
Year 2020-21 Target $1622 Actual $1724 Chart
Year 2019-20 Target $1492 Actual $1694 Chart

Please note: 2019-20 and 2020-21 actuals have been restated in accordance with the 2021-22 Outcome Based Management Key Performance Indicator Data Definition Manual


EMHS’ actual average cost of $1783 is $250 above the 2021-22 target of $1533, and it is also $59 above the actual performance of $1724 in 2020-21.

The EMHS’ average cost has only marginally increased against the actual 2020-21 average cost of $1724. Although the actual performance in 2021-22 is relatively close to the actual average re-stated cost for 2019-20, the costs associated with treatment of complex mental health cases has increased over the reported timeframes and is reflective of the increasing complexities associated with supporting and treating mental health in the community.

Period: 2019-20 – 2021-22 financial years 

Contributing sites: Armadale Health Service, Bentley Health Service, Royal Perth Hospital, St John of God Midland Public Hospital 

Data source: OBM allocation application; Oracle 11i financial system; BedState

Outcome one   //   Efficiency KPI   //   Service four: Mental health services